By Topic: Master Framers

Community Temperature Check #3 (Art Crawl Cancellation Edition): Cecilia, Eric, JobyLynn, Josephine, Lisa, and Roger

Community Temperature Check #3 (Art Crawl Cancellation Edition): Cecilia, Eric, JobyLynn, Josephine, Lisa, and Roger

Third edition of the series in which artists are asked seven questions about how they are dealing with the coronavirus crisis. This “Art Crawl Cancellation Edition” features interviews with Cecilia Henle, Eric Carranza, JobyLynn Sassily-James, Josephine Geiger, Lisa Mathieson, and Roger Nielsen.—Nigel Parry

Lowertown Pioneers: Roger Nielsen and Master Framers

Lowertown Pioneers: Roger Nielsen and Master Framers

Nigel Parry, Downtown St. Paul Voice —Roger Nielsen has spent well over half a century avoiding being a jack-of-all-trades so he could be a master of one. At 79, he is known internationally for professional grade restoration of antique art, and for creating frames that grace the Minnesota State Capitol, Presidential libraries, and masterpieces by some of history’s most noted artists that hang in museums and galleries around the world. As well as providing affordable housing for artists in the 262 building on East Fourth Street for many years, Nielsen served as a member of the Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation for more than three decades, advocating for the artists’ community that had been one of the inspirations for investment in the neighborhood.

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