By Topic: Northern Warehouse Artists’ Cooperative

Displaced Lowertown artists finally feel secure in their new digs

Displaced Lowertown artists finally feel secure in their new digs

Nigel Parry, Downtown St. Paul VoiceUncertainty, displacement and questions of affordability have dogged the Lowertown artist community for most of the last decade, primarily the result of an explosion of new residential development. Artists Barbara Evan, Tom McGregor and CeCeile Hartleib each were negatively affected yet have found a new home to continue to practice their craft.

After widespread cancellations, artists need your support

After widespread cancellations, artists need your support

By Nigel Parry, Downtown St. Paul Voice—The cancellation of this year’s St. Paul Art Crawl was a blow to local artists who rely on the event to promote and sell their work. Now, the organizer of the event, the St. Paul Art Collective, is encouraging the public to support artists as much as possible and is exploring options to help artists promote their work throughout the year.

Video: Lowertown—The Rise of An Urban Village (a TPT documentary)

Video: Lowertown—The Rise of An Urban Village (a TPT documentary)

Twin Cities PBS’s documentary about the development of Lowertown. It was the birthplace of St. Paul and the focal point of the railroad industry built by the like of James J. Hill that made Saint Paul and Minnesota a key hub in America’s rail system. Then it fell into decay and abandonment. How did Lowertown return to vibrancy in the last few decades of the twentieth century? (56 minutes, 40 seconds)

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